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In questa sezione sono disponibili grafici e statistiche, aggiornate ogni sera, che consentono un attento monitoraggio dell’evoluzione della pandemia da Covid-19 in Italia e nel resto del mondo.

[cvct country-code="all" style="style-3" title="COVID-19 World Outbreak" label-total="Total" label-deaths="Deaths" label-recovered="Recovered" bg-color="transparent" font-color="#FFF"]

Focus Italy: Please wait… All charts will be recalculated below…

Open Data

This Covid19 Dashboard provides an overview of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) outbreak in Italy. The raw data for this dashboard is pulled from Italy Department of Civil Protection, and the coronavirus package from Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CCSE). The data and charts are refreshed on a daily basis and all figures are recalculated. The dashboard is developed in R and you can find the source code in Pasquale Merella GitHub Repository.

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